Web Control, the Livestream Studio feature allowing the ability to control certain aspects of Livestream Studio via a web browser that supports WebRTC (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox), includes the ability to add .lsgfx files via Dropbox, insert data, and have full control over your graphics overlays’ settings.
A Dropbox account is required in order to use this feature. Log in to Dropbox and locate your folders (or create a new one).

Save the .lsgfx files you wish to use in Livestream Studio in this folder. Only .lsgfx files are supported in Studio Web Control.

Sample .lsgfx files can be found in the Studio Graphics Store or can be created when you export a graphics overlay layer that you manually created in Livestream Studio.

The first step is within the Livestream Studio software. Navigate to Settings, then select the Dropbox tab.

Click Connect Dropbox.

Log in to your Dropbox account by entering your account credentials and clicking Sign in.

Studio will request permission to access your files in Dropbox. Click Allow.

You will need to select a folder on your local drive to save your imported file to and a folder in your Dropbox from which to select .lsgfx files. Once you made your choices, click Save.

Studio will indicate that your Dropbox account is synchronized with Studio.

Next, log in to Web Control and open your Studio (assuming you have already added yourself as a user).

You should notice the three graphics overlay tabs in the bottom portion of the screen; select one of them to continue.

You can either browse the free Graphics Store within the Web Control graphics overlay module or scroll down and click Add Custom Layers.

Any .lsgfx files saved in your selected Dropbox folder will be listed here. Click the name of the file you wish to use.

The graphics file will load with its design and settings on the left and its data on the right.
It is not possible to open the GFX Designer in Web Control. The appearance of the graphic can only be edited within the Studio software.

On the right side, you have the ability to add data rows and columns and enable the Auto Push/Pull feature when selecting different rows.

Clicking the gearwheel on the left side will open the settings available with that graphic, such as auto-loop timing, direction, and starting point.

Overlaying graphics in Web Control is the same as in Studio software. Click the corresponding PRV button to show your graphics overlay in Preview.

Click PUSH to transition the graphic overlay into Program.

Now, you will see the graphics overlay in your Program monitor.

To remove it from Program, click the corresponding PULL button.