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How to Use the Studio USB Recovery Drive

Included with all Livestream Studio hardware units are USB recovery drives, which you can use whenever there is a Windows system failure or any situation in which you would like to restore your system to Windows default settings. The full process takes about 20 minutes.

a picture of the usb drive and card with instructions that came with hardware devices.

Please read and fully understand all of the instructions before starting the process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact customer care.

Before beginning this process, make sure you have your Windows License number available to you. It is included in the 'Studio Bits and Bops' box that is shipped with your Studio hardware unit.

1. Back up any files you wish to preserve. This process is destructive and will return the system to factory settings and result in the loss of all user files.

2. Insert your USB Restore Drive into any of your Studio unit's USB ports.

the usb drive plugged into a studio hardware unit

3. Power the system on using the power button.

4. Once the Livestream logo appears for the first time, tap the “F8” key repeatedly to enter the Boot Menu.

5. In the Boot Menu, select 'KingstonDataTraveler 3.0PMAP,' then hit the Enter key.

boot menu with Kingston Data Traveler highlighted

6. You will be presented with the main menu following a few seconds of load time. Your Studio unit's Livestream restoration option will be selected. Hit the Enter key.

Studio hardware restoration menu option highlighted

7. In the 'Choose language' screen, press the 'Enter' key to select the default option of English.

language menu with english highlighted

8. At the 'Configuring console-data' screen, press the 'Enter' key to select the default option of Don’t touch keymap.

console data screen with don't touch keymap highlighted

9. Wait for the system to complete its image verification. This process will take about 10 minutes. ETA and the progress bar will be visible on the screen to indicate the process.

image verification progress indicator

10. Once completed, you will be presented with the following screen. Type 'y,' then press the 'Enter' key.

NOTE: If you have not backed up any files you wish to keep, press “CTRL+C” to exit and secure your files. Progressing past step 10 will result in data loss.

a screen showing the image is restorable with the y and n options highlighted

11. Confirm your selection by typing 'y' key again and pressing the “Enter” key (NOTE: Data loss will occur immediately once the 'Enter' key is pressed).

image restoration confirmation screen with y and n highlighted

12. Wait for the imaging process to complete. This should take roughly the same amount as time as the process in Step 9.

imaging process screen showing time remaining

13. The machine will reboot on its own. Your system should be restored to its factory configuration. You can now remove the USB drive from the USB port.

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