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Building a Picture-in-Picture Graphic

When doing a multi-camera production, many producers sometimes like to show two or more camera shots at the same time. Livestream Studio gives you the ability to show up to five cameras within one picture-in-picture graphics layer.

 Navigate to a graphics tab, open the +Add Custom Layers menu and select New Layer.

Click the corresponding paint brush button to enter the GFX Designer.

Click the camera icon at the bottom of the window. A video source will appear in the designer.

Click the attached gearwheel icon to change which source appears in there. You can choose any camera input, media source, remote source, or color source. Other graphics are not an option in this menu.

Add another source.

You can drag and drop either of these anywhere within the designer. Clicking the gearwheel will also allow you to resize and crop your sources as well as configure other appearance elements such as a border or shadow.

A sample double-box (or two-box) might look something like this:

If you want to give a background to your picture-in-picture, add a third source to the GFX designer. In this example, we're using a looping video background in Media 1.

Right-click the third source and click To Bottom Layer. This will force it to be behind your other two sources.

Scale it so it fills the designer. Now your picture-in-picture looks like this.

Close out of the designer and make sure your layer is visible (the eye icon is blue). Then click the corresponding flashing Push button to bring it into Program.

Now both sources are seen in Program at the same time with your background. Click Pull whenever you are ready to show your previous Program source.

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