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Display YouTube Comments via Livestream Studio

As of October 2024, you can no longer display YouTube comments directly via GFX layers in Livestream Studio for Private videos or live streams. You can still display YouTube comments directly via GFX layers for Public videos or live streams.

Displaying comments on a video or YouTube live stream

You can display comments from public videos or public ongoing YouTube live streams in a GFX layer. 

To display comments:

1.)  In a GFX module, select + Create Custom Graphic in the bottom left corner. 

2.)  Hover your mouse over Social, and select YouTube Comment.

Screenshot showing Social >> YouTube Comment

3.) Enter the URL of the YouTube video or live stream.  Ensure the URL starts with "" or "".

Screenshot showing where to enter YouTube URL

After adding the YouTube comment layer, open the GFX Designer to design your graphic and add the desired fields from YouTube (profile picture, name, comment, likes).

Screenshot showing GFX Designer

Filtering Comments

You can also filter the comments by a keyword or hashtag. This will pre-populate a default comment you can display in your graphic prompting your viewers to use the desired phrase. If you want to see all the comments, uncheck Filter comments.

Adjusting refresh rate and display number

You can configure how often Studio polls for new comments and how many of the most recent comments it will show. By default, it will poll new comments every 60 seconds and display the 100 most recent comments.

Below this setting are the auto-loop settings, where you can set LiveStream Studio to loop through each comment at a defined interval.

Screenshot showing autoloop settings
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