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Importing Livestream Graphics Files

Livestream’s Graphics Store has numerous free templates that can be downloaded and imported into Livestream Studio. You can also export any template you build in Studio and import it into another Studio project later using this feature.

Studio has the Livestream Graphics Store built into its interface. Navigate to any GFX module. Open the Categories menu or select Features you would like your graphic to have on the left side and browse through template options on the right side. If you find a design you like you can simply click +Add below the corresponding template.

Alternatively, if you downloaded a template from the Store website or exported an .lsgfx file previously, you can import that file from your local hard drive by selecting Create Custom Graphic > Import Layer > Livestream Graphics.

Browse your computer for the .lsgfx file you just downloaded (this is typically found in the Downloads folder). When you find the file, click Open.

The layer will appear in your graphics overlay channel. For lower third graphics downloaded from the Graphics Store, there are two text type columns and two rows included by default.

If you open the GFX Designer by clicking the paintbrush icon, you will see clearly which text fields the two columns correspond to and can adjust them as necessary.

Just as with any manually built graphic, you can add as many columns for data fields or rows of content as necessary.

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