The mixing panel shown in this section is only visible when Studio is in Advanced Interface Mode. Mixing graphics in Simple Mode is covered here.
Once your graphic is designed and configured, you can start adding it to your production. First, make sure your layer is visible by clicking the eyeball icon. It should be highlighted blue.

If you have multiple layers in your graphics overlay channel, highlight the eye icon of any layer that you want to be visible; more than one layer can be visible at a time.

Please note that if you have multiple layers in one module, you can click the display buttons on the bottom to show your layers in list mode to manage them more easily.

You can still access settings, the GFX Designer, and change visibility for each layer when using this view.

If you want to put a graphics overlay channel in Preview before pushing it to Program, click the corresponding PRV button in the upper right corner of the interface.

You should now see the visible layers of your graphics overlay channel in Preview.

You should also notice the yellow PUSH button flashing. Click it to bring your graphics overlays into Program.

Your visible layers are now seen in both Preview and Program.

This is also indicated by PUSH no longer flashing and the PULL button turning red.

Now try making a change to your graphics overlay channel, such as changing a layer’s visibility or selecting a different row of data in a currently visible layer.

You will notice the change is visible in Preview but is not yet seen in Program.

The PUSH button has also started flashing again. This means that Livestream Studio has detected a change in that GFX channel and is ready to change it in Program. Click it when you are ready to show the change to viewers.

You should now see the change reflected in both Preview and Program.

For each layer, you have the option to have every change automatically pushed to Program immediately by selecting the AUTO PUSH/PULL button on the bottom right.

Please note that if the graphics overlay is not yet in Program, you will need to push it manually by clicking PUSH in the upper right corner.

To remove a visible graphics overlay quickly while AUTO PUSH/PULL is enabled, simply click on the highlighted radio button of the visible row.

Now the graphic has been removed from Program and the radio button has faded in the graphics module to indicate this.

Click the red PULL button that corresponds to that channel to remove everything from that graphics overlay channel from Program.

Doing so will remove that graphics overlay from Program, but you will still see it in Preview if the PRV button is still selected.

To remove a graphics overlay from Preview, click the corresponding green PRV button.

You should no longer see your graphics overlay in either Preview or Program.