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Streaming to YouTube via Livestream Studio

You can stream to your YouTube channel directly from Livestream Studio. There are two ways YouTube supports streaming: either their "Stream Now" option or the Live Events Dashboard.

To get started, go to the Stream tab and select YouTube as a provider.

You will need to log in using your YouTube/Google credentials and allow Livestream Studio to access your account. This will open a new browser window; if your browser does not come to the front of your screen, navigate away from Studio to see it and log in. Do not close Studio.

If you are using Google apps (i.e. an Google account that is not a standard address), you may need to authorize access to third-party applications in your Google account or via an admin.

Once you are logged in and authorize Studio access to your Google account, you can close the browser and navigate back to Studio.


Give your stream a title and choose a streaming quality. Since YouTube provides cloud transcoding, we recommend selecting a single-bitrate quality.

Clicking on the gearwheel will allow you set your aspect ratio and choose your default network. This is the network that will be used to stream with by default for any provider in Studio.


Once you have configured these settings, you can click the gearwheel icon again to collapse the menu.

You can select which YouTube event you want to stream to in the Event Name drop-down menu. Selecting Stream Now will simply start a new stream to your channel rather than broadcasting to a previously created event. The URL to your stream will be available below the menu.

If you have enabled multi-language events, you can choose which incoming language (or audio track) will output to this particular stream by using the Select Language drop-down menu; if you are simulcasting, this allows you to stream to the same provider but select a different language for each stream instance. This menu does not appear if multi-language events are not enabled.

Clicking Advanced Settings will allow you to choose a different network rather than your default network to stream with. This is handy if you intend to add other providers to Studio and wish to keep them on different network devices. When you specify YouTube's network, you can click Hide Advanced Settings to collapse the menu.

When you are ready to start streaming, click Go Live in the lower right corner.

When your event is over, click the red Streaming button to end the stream. If you need to log out of YouTube, click your name below the stream title, then click Log Out.

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