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Uninstall Blackmagic Design Desktop Video Drivers

If you need to update your Blackmagic Design Desktop Video drivers, you must first uninstall the version that is currently installed on your computer before installing the current recommended version.

Uninstalling drivers on Windows computers differs slightly from doing so on Mac computers. Instructions for both are outlined below.


Uninstall Blackmagic Design Drivers - Windows


Go to your system's Control Panel, then enter the Uninstall a program menu.

Find Blackmagic Design Desktop Video in the menu. Right-click it, then click Uninstall.

Follow the on-screen prompts, which will notify you that you must restart your computer for the uninstall to take effect.

After you restart your computer, the uninstallation will be complete.


Uninstall Blackmagic Drivers - Mac


Find the DesktopVideo_.dmg file in your Finder. These are typically saved in your Downloads folder. Open the .dmg file and double-click Uninstall Desktop Video.

You will need to confirm that you want to uninstall Blackmagic Design drivers. Click Yes.

Uninstallation is now complete.

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