You have the option to save your Livestream Studio project files to a Dropbox folder rather than a local folder if you wish. You can also import .lsproj files from Dropbox into any Livestream Studio system using the same integration.
For the best experience, we recommend simplifying your Dropbox folder structure to no more than 1 or 2 subfolders. Multiple subfolders can cause extended sync times with Dropbox.
Connect Dropbox to Livestream Studio
To configure Dropbox, navigate to settings by clicking the gearwheel icon in the upper right corner of Studio.

Navigate to the Dropbox tab.

Click Connect Dropbox.

A browser window will open. Log in to your Dropbox account to connect it with Livestream Studio.

The browser will indicate that authorization was successful. Return to Livestream Studio.

The Settings: Dropbox window will indicate that your account is connected. Click Select Folders to choose which folder to use with Livestream Studio.

Choose a local folder, which will include copies of anything you save to Dropbox on the local hard drive as well. By default, this will be set to Documents > Dropbox, but you can click BROWSE to choose a different location.

Next, choose the Dropbox folder you want to work out of. This can either be a generic "Dropbox" folder (as selected above) or you can expand into any folders within your Dropbox account (e.g. "Projects," seen below).
When you are done selecting your folders, click Save.

Your Dropbox account will sync with Livestream Studio. Make sure Use Files from Dropbox is checked. Then save your settings.

Save Project to Dropbox
When you want to save your project to Dropbox, click the project name from the upper right corner, then click Export...

Select whether to bundle your assets into the project (e.g. graphics, media clips, etc.) or if the project should simply reference their file paths.

Give your project a name and make sure your folder is selected. Then click Export.

The .lsproj file will now be saved in your Dropbox folder as well as the local folder you selected in settings.
Import Project from Dropbox
To import your project into Livestream Studio, click the project name in the upper right corner, then click Import...

Click on your .lsproj file from the Dropbox folder, then click Select. Your project will open up in Studio.