Once you have logged in to Livestream Producer, open the program you wish to stream (e.g. Powerpoint, Keynote, Skype, QuickTime, VLC, etc. )
To only capture your desktop and not a camera, select No Camera from the video source drop-down menu.

To capture your desktop and a local camera feed, select the camera source in the Source drop-down menu.

You can either go live via a Preview (recommended) or have a test broadcast on your Event page.
Once you select the Go Live button, you will see a control panel on the bottom of the screen. If you have selected the camera mode, choose the option for 2D Mix, 3D Mix, or Screen.

To capture only the area of the screen you would like to broadcast, select the Zoom In + icon and click a few times until you see green brackets appear from the edge of the screen.

Once the green brackets can be seen, you can pull and manipulate with your mouse to surround the area you would like to capture on your desktop.
In the image below, the green brackets are surrounding the slideshow. This means nothing else on the desktop will appear in the Livestream player.

You can check to see what the viewer of your event will see by looking at the preview option in the bottom left-hand corner of the dashboard.

You can click the preview box to see an enlarged preview in a separate window. This can be moved to any part of your screen.
You can also manage the audio coming from your desktop by opening the audio mixer on the dashboard. Be careful, if the window appears within the green wireframe, it will be seen by your viewers.
There is no way to switch which input source is seen within each window. In other words, the camera source will always be in the smaller window and the desktop source will always be in the larger window.

These settings will not be saved once you have quit the Livestream Producer program.