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Where Do I Redeem My Voucher Code?

If you have received a voucher code for Livestream, you can redeem the service by following the steps below.

Log into your account at

Click your profile image, then click Settings.

Select the Plans tab and click on the Upgrade button that corresponds to the plan for which the voucher is good.

You must choose the plan type that is equal to the voucher code type. If the plan type does not match the code, your voucher will not work. 

Once you have selected a plan, you will need to select either credit card or PayPal and complete the form for authentication. Towards the bottom of the form, select I have a promo code. Enter the code in the text field that appears.

Note that you will not be charged unless your voucher has expired and you did not downgrade the plan before expiration.

Once you have completed the form, select Subscribe at the bottom of the page.


If you already have a plan and would like to apply a voucher code to your existing paid account, please create a ticket for assistance. 

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