There may be situations in which you will need to find your Livestream Broadcaster or Studio product's serial number, such as when speaking to Livestream Sales and Support or redeeming a voucher. Below illustrates where you can find the serial number for each product we offer.
Livestream Studio - Software & Hardware
When Livestream Studio is open, go to the upper right-hand corner and click on the gear wheel to access your settings. Navigate to the About tab. Your Studio serial number will be the second item listed.
If you are accessing Livestream Studio via a subscription, then you will not see a serial number. Serial numbers only refer to hardware products such as dongles, HD550, etc.
If you cannot launch Studio or turn on your computer to get your serial number, you also have a physical copy of your serial number. All Studio software customers will also see a sticker with the serial number on the side of the box they receive the software dongle in.
All Studio hardware products include a sticker with the serial number on the bottom or back of the hardware unit as well.
Livestream serial numbers are 14 digits long. The numbers may look completely random, but they are not. They all have specific prefixes, suffixes, and PIN numbers hidden inside for identification purposes.
All Livestream products have UPC codes that identify a certain group of items (HD51, Software, etc). However, our products also have serial numbers that go on the outside of each box to identify specific units within the larger group.
The middle 8 X's are the unique Studio PIN that reflects the PIN number programmed onto the hardware or software dongle when the unit is made.

Livestream Studio Surface (Core & Track Modules)
The serial number for the Studio Surface Core and Studio Surface Track Module is printed directly on the unit on the inside of the lower stand.

Livestream Studio Surface Go
The serial number on the Studio Surface Go is printed on a silver sticker on the bottom of the unit.

Livestream Broadcaster Pro
The bottom of the Broadcaster Pro includes a sticker with the device's serial number on it.

Livestream Broadcaster (V1)
The top of the Broadcaster is attached magnetically. Pull it off to reveal a sticker that includes the Broadcaster's serial number.

Livestream Broadcaster mini
On the bottom of the Broadcaster mini, you will find a silver sticker with your device's serial number.