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How Do I Get Referrer Data From My Event Embeds?

Livestream Premium & Enterprise customers who are keeping track of their viewership data have the ability to see what websites their viewers are coming from to find their embedded player, providing a more in-depth look at how people are reaching your content.

If you already have your event embedded and wish to start tracking referrers, you will need to replace the current iFrame code with the new version by following the steps below. Once you update the code, you will begin to see referrer data for that event.


Click the Share icon at the top of your event page, and then click Embed.

Under More Options, make sure Enable Referrer Tracking is toggled on. Then copy and paste the iFrame code into your website as you normally would.

If you make any further adjustments to the iFrame code we provide you, the tracking may not work properly. We recommend you refrain from editing the iFrame code to ensure domains are tracked properly.


When you go to your Analytics page, scroll down to Referrer Domains. Here is where you will find a list of website domains where your viewers came from to find your embedded player, including total views, unique views, total minutes viewed, and average duration the content was viewed for.

Since this tool tracks domains, it will only include information from viewers watching from a browser. It will not include any numbers from viewers watching from the Livestream mobile app, Chromecast, or tvOS.

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