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How Do I Add or Edit a Post on My Event?

Creating a Text, Photo or Video post is a simple way of enhancing your Event page. Update your followers on when you'll be going live, post pictures of behind the scenes, or upload videos for your viewers to take a look at while you're getting ready to go live. You have the ability to update your posts via the Livestream website and our Mobile App.

Post an update from your Event page

In the top right corner of your event, click the Editor icon.

You will see three options under Add a Post.

  • Text: A status update you can provide to your viewers.
  • Photo: Upload an image and give it a caption.
  • Video: Upload a pre-recorded video for on-demand viewing.


Each option includes the ability to post immediately, post at a specific time, or save as a draft.

Edit a Post


You may want to change the name of a post on your event, or update information. To do this, find the post you want to change under the Posts menu.

Hover your mouse over the post, click the gearwheel that appears, then click Edit.

You can now make adjustments to your post, such as the title, caption, or trim a video clip.

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