Livestream Enterprise customers have the option to require information from their viewers prior to watching an event. This is helpful for capturing leads and knowing who is watching your content.
On your event page, open the edit drawer by clicking the pencil icon in the upper right corner. Then select Viewer Engagement.
Check Require viewer info to access my event. Doing so will reveal more options.
Select which fields you want viewers to fill in. All selected fields will be required for viewers to fill in; you must select at least one to activate this feature. The field options include:
- First & Last Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Company
- Custom - This field you can name if there is more information you prefer to record from viewers (job title, date of birth, etc.)
Click Update Settings.
Now anyone who visits your event page or your event embed on your website will be required to submit the requested information before seeing your content. Below the form is a notice that they consent to giving you their information and that they may be contacted.
Please note that currently, there is no way to remove your account name from the consent note at the bottom of the form, even if Livestream branding is turned off.
At this time, the form does not populate in other Livestream viewing applications such as the Livestream mobile app or the Livestream app for tvOS (Apple TV).
You can return to the viewer engagement menu and download a CSV file that contains the information from all the viewers' submissions for that event.
You will also receive an email notification each week highlighting the number of new leads captured on each of your events. This email will include links to download leads for each of your events.