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How Do I Simulcast My Events to YouTube?

Livestream Premium and Enterprise customers have the ability to push any of their streams on Livestream to YouTube Live, allowing for higher potential viewership with lower effort.

Important: Customers wishing to do this should ensure they are using an encoder that supports this feature.

To enable this feature, log in to your Livestream account and navigate to your settings. Choose the Simulcast tab.


Click below for step-by-step instructions.


Simulcast to YouTube Live

Click the blue Add button next that corresponds with the YouTube logo to log in to your YouTube account.

A window will pop up prompting you to log in to your Google account. Either select your account or enter your credentials to log in.

After logging in, you will be prompted to grant Livestream permission to get certain information from your YouTube account. Scroll down and click Allow to proceed.

A new window will pop up that will allow you to change your YouTube privacy settings. The options are Public, Unlisted, and Private. Choose your desired setting, then click Save and Finish.

Your simulcast settings will be updated. Any new event you create from here on out will also simulcast to YouTube by default.

If you want to simulcast to a previously created event, go to that event's Editor > Simulcast to enable it.

Before streaming to your event, be sure to check YouTube's recommended streaming settings. Livestream's encoders (e.g. Livestream Producer) have preset qualities that match many of these:

  • HD = 720p
  • High = 480p
  • Normal = 360p
  • Mobile = 240p

Please note that Livestream only supports simulcast streaming up to 1080p at this time.

Now go live to your event. The stream that appears on Livestream will also appear in YouTube.

Make sure your event is published and not in draft mode. Otherwise it will not simulcast to YouTube.



If you wish to simulcast from a Vimeo Premium account, please see Vimeo's Help Center for instructions.

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