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How Do I Make Changes to My Events?

Making edits to your events, whether it's adding a status update or changing your event's description, is a seamless process whether your event is live or not.

On your event page, click the pencil icon in the upper right corner. This will open the Editor drawer.

The editor drawer opens to the right side of the player, so you can stay engaged in your event while making changes at the same time.

You can add posts, such as status updates, photos, video uploads, or create highlights.

You can review any draft posts.

If you scroll down, you can find your event settings, such as details, privacy settings, geo-blocking, viewer engagement, and more.

For example, clicking Event Details gives you the ability to make changes to your title, event time, description and other basic settings while your event is live.

When you are done editing your event, make sure you select  Update Settings at the bottom of the Editor. Then click the X in the upper right corner to collapse it.

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