To get started quickly with streaming to Livestream, download and install the Livestream Producer application.
Livestream Producer can be downloaded for Mac and Windows. When the download completes, open the installation package and follow the on-screen steps to install the software.
We recommend your computer to have at least the following system specifications in order to have the best experience with Livestream Producer:
- Quad-Core CPU i7 processor or higher
- Minimum 2.7 GHz
- Dedicated video card, 512MB VRAM
- Windows 7 or higher
- Mac OS X 10.6 or higher (until 10.15 - macOS Catalina does not support 32-bit applications and thus will not support Livestream Producer. Consider Livestream Studio instead.)
We've received reports from customers of CPU spikes when using Livestream Producer on a system with an Intel Xeon E5 processor. We are investigating this further, but recommend customers avoid these type of processors with Producer.
Once the software has installed, launch Livestream Producer and enter the email address and password you used to sign up for Livestream to log in.