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How Do I Use the Livestream Mobile App?

The Livestream app grants you mobile access to your Livestream account and includes the ability to view events on Livestream, edit some of your basic account and event settings, and go live to your events directly from your phone.

To get the Livestream mobile app, visit the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).

You must be running Android version 4.0 or higher in order to install the Livestream app on Android devices.

In order to create events or go live from the Livestream app, you must subscribe to a Livestream plan.

Livestream Mobile App Features
  • Sign up for and log in to an account.
  • Manage your Livestream account (Create, delete, and edit events)
  • Create event posters from iPhone photos
  • Stream live using your device camera and microphone directly.
  • Post Photos, Video, and Status updates which appear in real-time on your event page
  • Stream using a Wi-Fi enabled GoPro Camera (iOS only)
  • Moderate comments during live events and on archived posts
  • Control Livestream Broadcaster products remotely
  • Use your iPhone or iPad as a remote camera source in Livestream Studio
General Settings

You can access some basic settings for your account, including mobile-specific settings. Open the navigation menu and tap the gearwheel icon to access settings.

Doing so will open the menu shown below.

Edit Profile allows you to change basic information about your account, including your photo, name, profile description, gender, category, and birthday. Be sure to tap Save in the upper right corner if you make any changes.

Change Password allows you to change your login password. Enter your current password first, then enter your new password in twice. Select Update to save your new password.

Connected Accounts will allow you to connect or disconnect a Facebook account. This is mainly for the purpose of using a Facebook account to log in to Livestream and is not related to other Facebook integrations (e.g. Simulcasting).

Media includes one option, which allows you to choose to have any photos you take using the Livestream app save locally into your phone's media library.

Playback options refer to your experience when watching live events in the Livestream app.

  • Enable continuous audio playback: Will continue playing audio from a live event that you are watching even if you navigate away from it.
  • Auto-play videos in feed: Videos will play back automatically. If you are concerned about data and battery consumption, it's best to leave this off.

Auto-Notify Followers, when enabled, will send a notification out to all of your followers whenever you go live from the app.

Livestream Broadcaster allows you to control any paired Broadcaster devices on your account. Learn more.

Studio Remote Camera allows you to use your mobile device as a remote camera source in Livestream Studio. This is available for both iOS and Android.

Leave Feedback will open your mobile browser and direct you to our contact form, which our customer care team monitors.

The remaining settings are additional information about Livestream (Terms of Service, Open Source licenses, and the app version number). Finally, you can select Logout to log out of your account.

Managing Events on Mobile

In the navigation menu, tap your name to open your Profile.

Tap Create Event to create a new event page from the app.

The button on the right gives you more options. Edit allows you to edit your basic profile information. Share gives you the option to share your profile page via various channels (email, social media, etc.)

Below are your events. Tap one to open it.

If the event is not live, it will display the poster image. You can (1) tap the drop-down to reveal its description, (2) like it, or (3) share this specific event.


Draft posts can be accessed below the event information (4).

Scroll down to see additional posts on your event, if there are any. You can comment on any of them by tapping the speech bubble icon or play them by tapping the thumbnail.

At the bottom of the app, you will see two options Edit and Post.

Edit allows you to change basic settings on your event, such as title, start and end times, location, description, category, search tags, and a custom URL. You can also delete the event if you wish, however, this is permanent and cannot be undone.

Additional event settings, such as privacy settings, simulcasting, viewer engagement, etc., cannot be configured via the mobile app. If you need to change these settings, please log in from a desktop browser.

Post allows you to add a post to your event page. Type in a status update, or scroll down and tap the camera icon to upload a photo or video from your device.

Go Live

The red Go Live button will open your camera. You can also do this by tapping the camera icon in the upper right corner of any screen.

You can also hold the device in landscape mode.

You can either go live immediately to a new event that is populated for you automatically or touch the down-arrow to the right to select a pre-existing event.

Below the event title, from left to right, are

  • Start/End time settings - By default, your new event is set for the current time
  • Category - You can leave your event uncategorized, or give it a category and tags to make it more easily discoverable.
  • Location - Lets you either pick a location or uses location services to find you. This is turned off by default.

Tap the red button to go live. Your camera will immediately start streaming and you can easily chat with your audience using the text field at the bottom.

The upper right corner shows more information about your stream at the top of the screen, such as your bitrate. You can also turn on your flash, mute your microphone, and flip to your front camera view.

Below your camera, you will find Share, Photo, and Post options. Share will allow you to share your event to other channels (SMS, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Photo snaps a picture of the current frame and allows you to post it to your event page. Post allows you to post a status update or upload a photo from your device's photo library.

Press the red square icon to end streaming. You will then be able to post the video on demand to your event page.

After posting your video, you can view it on your event page. If you streamed to a new event, you can add an event poster photo directly from your phone (or upload a new one to an existing event.)

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