To search for an event or specific content on Livestream, go to and enter an Event or Account name, tag, or keyword in the Search field in the top right corner of the page.
Relevant and popular events that are available in our search engine will appear in a drop-down below the search field.
The top option in the drop-down menu will be to “Search for” your search term. Click on it to be redirected to a search results page.
There are a few filtering options. Type will narrow down your results based on what it is you are looking for: a live event, an upcoming event, an archived recording, or an account.
Category lets you narrow down what topic the event or account you’re searching for covers, such as Animals, Music, or News.
Upload Date lets you tell the search engine how recent the content may have been streamed or uploaded to Livestream.
Finally, you can sort your results based on relevance, popularity, or date.
Once you find the account or event you are looking for, click on the title to be brought to their page.